Angie Faust
30167 Hannover
Focus of activity
- Administration (personnel, budgeting, communication, etc.)
- Multimedia-based presentations of scientific graphics
- Teaching: graphic representation in geography
- Preparation of English texts for various teaching modules (e.g. multimedia, GIS courses)
- Management of research projects (e.g. Esmeralda, OESKKIP, KLIMPRAX)
- Editing and production of scientific publications and textbooks/scripts
- Translations
- Bachelor-Modul G4 Datenpräsentation
Curriculum vitae
Professional background
Since 2011
Office Manager / Scientific Administration and Communication (80%)
Institute for Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology, LUH
Since 2013
Office Manager (20%)
Institute for Turbomachinery and Fluid-Dynamics
Coordination/organization of the DFG-SFB 871 „Regeneration of complex capital goods” (Collaborative Research Center, CRC)
Office Manager
in different scientific organizations, e.g. Office of Student Affairs, Natural Science Faculty, LUH; Institute for Animal Ecology, Veterinary University Hannover; International Neuroscience Institute Hannover; Orthopedic Clinic Kassel; Orthopedic Clinic Annastift in Hannover
Medical Technician
1992 – 1993, Zeitarbeits-Garant GmbH, Hannover
1983 – 1990, Institute for Vegetative Physiology, Medical University Hannover
1983, Institute for Parasitology, Veterinary University Hannover
1988 – 1992 Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary University Hannover
1980 - 1982 Veterinary Medical Technician, , Veterinary University Hannover
1985 - 1988 Night School (Abendgymnasium) Hannover
1967 - 1980 Grade schools and high schools in USA and Germany