Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Institute Events and news
Bachelor's/FOP/Master's thesis: Recording and evaluation of former dry grassland and moor grassland in the Hannover region

Bachelor's/FOP/Master's thesis: Recording and evaluation of former dry grassland and moor grassland in the Hannover region

In collaboration with our cooperation partner Ökologische Station Mittleres Leinetal (ÖSML), the following work is to be carried out as part of a thesis:

  • Recording and digitisation of former dry grassland and moor grassland in the Hannover region
  • Recording of the recent distribution
  • Development of a concept for the restoration of the historical areas, in particular areas that still show potential (including on-site inspection, possibly with vegetation surveys)

Furthermore, a concept for the creation of a biotope network axis in the marl belt could be developed. This includes areas from Herrmann-Löhnspark to Hämelerwald, which all have marl close to the surface and thus, depending on humidity and topsoil thickness, either mesophilic grasslands on limestone or purple moor grass meadows.

Scientific contributions would be
a) analysing historical data (Kurhannoversche Landesaufnahmen, Preußische Landesaufnahmen, etc.),
b) digitising historical and current distributions, including suitable representations of these results;
c) on-site control with self-developed evaluation methodology (vegetation surveys/biotope type surveys, recording of further ecological parameters) and, if necessary (depending on the focus),
d) statistical evaluations.