In SELINA (Science for Evidence-based and sustainabLe decIsions about NAtural capital), a total of 50 partners from all 27 EU member states (including selected EU overseas regions), Norway, Switzerland, Israel and the United Kingdom will work together to bring the methods and data on ecosystems and their services developed in recent years within the framework of the European Biodiversity Strategies into practical applications in decision-making processes in the public and private sectors.
To this end, SELINA integrates not only academic partners but also various partners from policy, administration and business, who will explore issues of different sectors at different spatial-temporal scales within the framework of a total of 15 demonstration projects. The main objective of SELINA is to create applicable information and recommendations for evidence-based decision-making and to support the necessary societal transformative change for the protection and sustainable use of the environment.
The project will start on 01/07/2022 with a duration of 5 years and a budget of €13 million. SELINA is coordinated by Benjamin Burkhard. Tthe project team at PhyGeo, currently consisting of Angie Faust, Joana Seguin, Sabine Lange and Luke Brander, is primarily responsible for the successful implementation and management of the project as well as for the interdisciplinary integration of the project results.