Complete list publications
Showing results 291 - 300 out of 401
Duttmann, R., Franke, M., & Wickenkamp, V. (1994). Using a geoecological information system within the framework of environmental analyses. Examples of GIS-based investigations of the landscape household. In M. Baranowski, & M. Machinko-Nagrabecka (Eds.), GIS in ecological studies and environmental management. : Conference Proceedings, Global Resource Information Database (GRID) (pp. 39 - 54).
Fränzle, O., & Kuhnt, G. (1994). Fundamentals of representative soil sampling. In G. Kuhnt, & H. Muntau (Eds.), EUROSOILS Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization (Vol. Special Publication No. 1.94.60, pp. 11 - 29). Joint Research Centre, European Commission.
Herrmann, M., Kuhnt, G., & Muntau, H. (1994). Ringtesting of the Modified Test Guideline for Adsorption/Desorption of Chemicals in Soils. In A. Copin, G. Houins, L. Pussemier, & J. F. Salembier (Eds.), Environmental Behaviour of Pesticides and Regulatory Aspects (pp. 170 - 173). European Study Service.
Karcher, W., Kuhnt, G., Herrmann, M., & Muntau, H. (1994). Identification, Collection, Preparation and Characterisation of EURO-Soils. In A. Copin, G. Houins, L. Pussemier, & J. F. Salembier (Eds.), Environmental Behaviour of Pesticides and Regulatory Aspects (pp. 112 - 119). European Study Service.
Kuhnt, G., Herrmann, M., Murphy, P., & Poremski, H.-J. (1994). Background and historical evolution of the EUROSoil project. In G. Kuhnt, & H. Muntau (Eds.), EUROSOILS Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization. (Vol. No. 1.94.60, pp. 3 - 9). Joint Research Centre, European Commission.
Kuhnt, G., & Muntau, H. (1994). EUROSOILS: Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization. ISPRA.
Kuhnt, G., Vetter, L., Lattanzio, A., & Loens, J. (1994). Field work on EUROSoils: Profile analysis and sampling procedures. In G. Kuhnt, & H. Muntau (Eds.), EUROSOILS Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization. (Vol. Special Publication No. 1.94.60, pp. 41 - 58). Joint Research Centre, European Commission.
Kuhnt, G. (1994). Kokosöl - ein nachwachsender Rohstoff ohne Probleme? Evangelische Akademie Iserlohn.
Kuhnt, G., Koerdel, W., Vetter, L., Bruhn, N., Bo, F., Serrini, G., Bianchi, M., & Muntau, H. (1994). Pedological characterization and major element composition assessment. In G. Kuhnt, & H. Muntau (Eds.), EUROSOILS Identification, Collection, Treatment, Characterization. (Vol. Special Publication No. 1.94.60, pp. 59 - 72). Joint Research Centre, European Commission.
Kuhnt, G. (1994). Regionale Repräsentanz: Beiträge zu einer raumorientierten Meßtheorie.