We are recruiting senior research scientist for a permanent position to study biodiversity policy implementation.
Your tasks include research related to the implementation of biodiversity policies, leading roles in national and international projects, applying research funding, and interacting with various stakeholders. You play an active role in developing Finnish Environment Institute´s (Syke´s) interdisciplinary research and its societal impact.
At the beginning, you will take up work package leader role in a Horizon Europe funded project. The project is related to the development of marine protected area networks. Basic project description can be found here: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101094014 As your expertise evolves, you will grow your project portfolio by planning and leading successful research projects.
Soile Oinonen
Ryhmäpäällikkö (Dosentti, ympäristö- ja luonnonvaraekonomia)
Suomen ympäristökeskus (Syke)
Yhteiskunnan muutos -yksikkö (Tiedon politiikka -ryhmä)
P. 040 514 7790
Latokartanonkaari 11
00790 Helsinki
Linkki henkilöprofiiliin (syke.fi)
www.syke.fi | www.ymparisto.fi