Dr. Thea Wübbelmann

Dr. Thea Wübbelmann
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover
Dr. Thea Wübbelmann
Schneiderberg 50
30167 Hannover
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Admissions Board for MSc Landscape Sciences
Postdoctoral researchers
Digital Landscape Ecology Group
Postdoctoral researchers
Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Research Staff
Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Section

Focus in research and teaching

  • Human-environment interactions in urban areas under the influence of climate change and urbanisation
  • Past and future development of climate change-biodiversity-health interactions in the urban context
  • Modelling and evaluation of nature-based solutions for urban areas
  • Methodology for the assessment of flood-regulating ecosystem services in urban areas
  • Implementation of climate information in the assessment and modelling of flood-regulating ecosystem services


  • GIS-based landscape process analysis

Curriculum vitae

  • Professional background

    Since 2024: Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology, Leibniz University Hannover
    2023-2024: Project developer for wind and PV onshore projects, RWE Renewables GmbH, Hamburg
    2019-2023: doctoral student and research assistant at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Hereon, Hamburg
    2019–2023: Lecturer at the Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology, Leibniz University Hannover
    2018–2019: Master thesis at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Hereon
    2017–2019: Student assistant at the Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology, Leibniz University Hannover
    2015–2018: Student assistant at Umweltconsulting GEO-NET GmbH
    2015: Internship at the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation

  • Education

    2023: PhD Geography, University of Hannover "Dynamics of Flood Regulating Ecosystem Services in urban areas Modelling heavy rain-fall, climate change impacts and benefits of Nature-based Solutions"
    2019: Master of Science Landscape Sciences, University of Hanover "Evaluation of nature-based solutions based on selected ecosystem services in a floodplain - case study Schnackenburg under changing climate conditions"
    2017: Visiting student at the University of Adelaide, Australia
    2016: Bachelor of Science Geography, University of Hannover "Comparison of meteorological measurement data with the results of the numerical simulation model FITNAH for selected locations in the urban area of Hannover"
    2012: A-levels, Graf-Anton-Günther Gymnasium Oldenburg

  • Awards
    • Lower Saxony Scholarship 2017
    • IALE-D Award for the best landscape ecology dissertation 2023
  • Memberships
    • International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE-D)
    • YESS - Young Ecosystem Services Specialists